PIUMA (feather in Italian) is synonymous with lightness. This 700-sized model is extraordinarily light and comes up with a new style of flying. It does not replace the classic RAW 700 but it creates another option for those who do not like crazy head speed but want a light flying style that does not exceed “physical limits” with an interesting low-cost setup.
All our tests were done with the typical 580 setup (4025/4030 motor size).
The weight of the PIUMA with 6S-5500 mA/h battery is under 4 Kg.
RAW PIUMA is obtained from the MIX of the parts used in the RAW 700 - RAW 580 - RAW 700 NITRO.
12S 3300-3700 mA/h or 6S 5200-5800 mA/h are the recommended setups for the best flight compromise.
12S 5000 mA/h for 6 minutes of good average 3D.
• AIRFRAME weight: 2200gr (with blades, no battery, no electronics).
• Main rotor diameter: 1542 mm (with 700 mm blades).
• Main blade length: 650 to 730mm.
• Tail rotor diameter: 276 mm (with 105 mm tail blades).
• Tail blade length: 105 to 115 mm.
• Cyclic Servos: Standard size 40mm.
• Tail Servo: Standard size 40mm.
• Main Rotor Ratio: 12 to 9 (20T included: 10.77:1).
• Tail Rotor Ratio: 4.9-5.1:1 (22T included: 5.1:1).
KIT Includes:
• 20T motor pulley (other pulley sizes available).
• 2 battery trays with straps.
• S 700 mm main blades.
• S 105 mm tail blades.